Cover of the first Fellowship in Prayer newsletter, April 1950.
Sacred Journey - History
Our founders, Carl Evans and Kathryn Brown, began publishing a newsletter in April, 1950 to support and encourage individuals and small groups praying and meditating to foster greater peace and harmony in the world. The thin, bimonthly booklets called Fellowship in Prayer were originally typed on a typewriter.
The newsletter kept evolving and growing eventually leading us to publish monthly. Our last monthly issue, December 1983, honored the passing of Paul Griffith, who had been our editor since 1967.
After resuming bimonthly publications for many years, 1996 ushered in a redesign and name change to Sacred Journey: The Journal of Fellowship in Prayer.
In 2010, our journal became a quarterly publication; Winter 2013 was our final issue.
Approximately 382 issues, comprised of countless multifaith prayers and articles, were published over 63 years with subscriptions in countries all over the world.
In addition to accepting and printing articles sent to us from individuals, noteworthy persons steeped in their own spiritual traditions were interviewed. Their collective wisdom imbued our journal’s breadth and depth: Thomas Berry, Marcus Borg, Frederick Buechner, Joan Chittister, Bernie Glassman, Diane Musho Hamilton, Andrew Harvey, Edward Hays, Harold Kushner, Mira Nakashima, Henri Nouwen, Parker Palmer, Eboo Patel, Helen Prejean, Rachel Naomi Remen, Rami Shapiro, David Steindl-Rast, Barbara Brown Taylor, Anam Thubten, Robert Thurman, Naomi Tutu, Jean Vanier, International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers.
Covers Through the Decades
Parting Words: A Conversation with Henri Nouwen
Our most popular publication, “Parting Words: A Conversation with Henri Nouwen,” was reprinted to meet the number of requests received.
Ask Angela
Our most popular feature, Ask Angela, was written by our canine sage-in-residence (Barbara Ackerman); the collection was published by The Crossroads Publishing Company as Ask Angela: Answers to Life’s Mysteries from Man’s Best Friend.
Special Issues of Sacred Journey
These issues showcased exceptional spiritual explorations, honored individuals who dedicated themselves to the Fellowship, or gave in-depth views of a particular spirituality.
Report on Holistic Health, by FIP Staff
Interviews with Miss Brown, by FIP Staff
Arcane Stories, Volumes 1-4, by Francis Merchant
Rova Farm, by FIP Staff
The Unchurched, by FIP Staff
Artists & Their Spiritual Lives, by FIP Staff
Portrait of William Hung (1893-1980), by Susan Chan Egan
The Way of the Ways\TAO, by Herrymon Maurer
A Shower of Light is Poesy, by James M. Singleton
Course in Prayer, by Francis Merchant
Even Smoke Rising: Stories of My People, by Jim Panos
A Paul Griffith Reader, by Paul Griffith
3RD World Trip, by Sandy Huffacre
Select Special Issue Covers (1980-1986)
The Gift of Prayer: A Treasury of Personal Prayer from the World’s Spiritual Traditions by Fellowship in Prayer, published by Continuum Publishing Company, 1997.
In 1997, Continuum published our compilation of over 400 classic and contemporary prayers from all faiths. As Henri J. M. Nouwen wrote, "This beautiful book of truly inspiring prayers shows us the many varied ways in which God's spirit moves among us."